有關葵芳站於 8 月 11 日(星期日)晚上的疏散措施 Evacuation of Kwai Fong Station at 11/Aug (Sun) night

約於 2050 時,有示威人士與警方於車站內發生衝突,期間車站的消防裝置及不同的車站設施受損,而事前港鐵公司並不知悉警察的部署


疏散程序於 2055 時啟動後,自動廣播聲帶、資訊螢幕均立刻發出告示,閘機亦已解鎖讓乘客迅速離開,車務控制中心同時安排空車,接載滯留於站內的人士離開不安全的環境,而其他荃灣綫列車則不停葵芳站


工程人員則於 2235 時開始,詳細檢查並修理葵芳站的設施,務求車站可於 8 月 12 日(星期一)早上繁忙時間前重開。承辦商人員更換商戶的通風濾網等之後,香港消防處亦有到場檢查是否有化學空氣殘留

港鐵乃自助的鐵路網絡,隨科技發展,香港同樣有無人值守大堂、無人駕駛列車,因此於鐵路處所遇上罪案時,應致電 999 與聯絡緊急服務人員,他們會盡快到場協助乘客所需

而鐵路處所於法理上屬公眾地方,保安一直由香港警察負責 ,惟港鐵公司表示今次的事件極有可能影響乘客和職員的安全,對此表示非常遺憾,並且讉責一切暴力行為


郵遞至 香港郵政總局信箱9916號 ?
傳真至 2795 9991 ?


車站事後採取了甚麼清潔措施 ?


另外,港鐵亦已提升員工保護裝備,並已與清潔承辦相溝通,了解他們亦會提升其員工的保護裝備 居民亦關注到葵芳站抽風系統的清潔工作,為審慎起見港鐵清潔了車站的風扇及抽氣設施。葵芳站的抽風系統是獨立的,並沒有與隧道的相關系統相連。因此荃灣綫其他隧道及車站(包括居民曾提到的長沙灣站、荔枝角、太子站等等)不會被影響。然而,為令乘客更安排,港鐵已更換尖沙咀站、佐敦、太子、長沙灣及荔枝角站內空調系統的過濾網。




At about 2050 hours, conflicts broke out between protestors and police officers at Kwai Fong Station, which caused some damages to the fire safety systems and various station facilities MTR Corporation did not have any prior knowledge of the police’s course of action Staff members at Kwai Fong Station had swiftly put on the issued protective equipment as they confirmed that the police’s action would threaten passengers’ safety, while, at the same time, noticed that smoke was emerging in the concourse

The Station Control Room hence activated evacuation procedures immediately The evacuation began at 2055 hours. Announcements were made through the audio system and information screens across the station; ticket gates were open to expedite passengers to leave the station Meanwhile, the Operations Control Centre arranged empty trains to pick up those who were stranded in the station, which had become unsafe, while directing other services to travel non-stop through Kwai Fong Station

As Kwai Fong Station uses natural ventilation by design, it does not have the same ability to extract smoke as underground stations do, a Train Captain had been taken ill to the hospital by paramedics when the service reached other stations after allegedly inhaling tear gas Engineers had begun to carry out inspections and maintenance at Kwai Fong Station at 2235 hours in order to enable the station to re-open before the morning peak hours of 12/Aug (Mon) Contractors replaced all filters for shops in the station with the Fire Service Department confirmed there is no chemical gas remaining in the station

MTR Corporation feels strongly regrettable for the police’s action that could have seriously affected the safety of passengers and staff and condemns all violent behaviour MTR is a self-serving railway network. Unstaffed concourse and driverless trains are also introduced in Hong Kong as technology develops. Dial 999 if you encountered any criminal in railway premises, emergency services will attend the scene and provide assistance to passengers while railway premises are public places with its security had always been responsible by the Hong Kong Police  

Passengers are welcomed to make enquires by following methods If you are injured:

Mailing Address ?
MTR Corporation Limited, GPO Box 9916, Hong Kong

Fax ?
2795 9991