有關 8 月 31 日(星期六)在太子站的暴力事件 Brief summary of the violence at Prince Edward Station on 31/Aug (Sat)

於 2242 時,往調景嶺的觀塘綫 GD07 班車抵達 3 號月台後,頭卡位置有大量乘客阻礙車門關閉,雖然車內沒有閉路電視鏡頭,但乘客手持物品互相對峙、打鬥的聲音傳入駕駛室,亦有乘客使用緊急通話器求助,指車廂內外均有大規模打鬥,車長遂通知車務控制中心處理,故控制中心鑑於有罪案發生因而召喚警方到場;另一邊廂,警方資料亦指有多名乘客致電 999 報警,指車廂內情況十分混亂



另一邊廂,有乘客用 GD07 班車的緊急通話器求助,列車因為安全設計鎖死牽引系統,而未能開出,打鬥情況持續約七分多鐘後,車廂內有大量白煙冒出,控制中心安排 GD07 班車停止服務,乘客陸續落車,但其中一道月台門遭人打碎



此時,荃灣綫往中環的 AD28 列車抵達相鄰之 4 號月台,乘客間衝突情況亦波及此車,多人於車上啟動緊急通話器求助,列車亦未能開出,AD28 班車同為「現代化列車」,車廂不設閉路電視,這月台的鏡頭則於早前的破壞中,遭人切斷電綫而未能拍攝任何畫面,故此職員無法第一時間了解車門通道的情況



於 2253 時,在月台有大量乘客聚集、有車廂冒煙,同時場面極之混亂的情況下,車站職員無法確保乘客安全,而啟動疏散程序安排乘客立即離開,但依從指示的乘客不多;於 2256 時,防暴警察抵達月台,察看 GD07 班車上空無一人後便進出 AD28 班車採取行動, 消防處則因為車廂冒煙的情況而接報到場



於 2304 時,列車車長於多次嘗試不停開關車門後,AD28 班車成功開出,接走部分乘客離開太子站,駛經因警方於路面作驅散行動而關閉的旺角站後,最終到達油麻地站,油麻地站的職員得悉車內有四名受傷乘客滯留,因此亦為他們召喚救護服務



第一批消防員在 2306 時抵達太子站,救護員其後抵達該站出口 E – 運動場道,而非協議的緊急服務人員通道,即出口 B1 – 旺角警署,因此他們需要與負責鐵路處所保安的香港警察溝通,協調進出路綫為何


及至 0054 時,警方與消防處溝通後,喻傷者需由列車離開,故此車務控制中心重新安排行車綫通電、調配已停止服務的列車開到太子站,接送七名由警員、救護員護送的受傷乘客到荔枝角站登上救護車



鐵路處所的閉路電視鏡頭,大多數於 1998 至 2000 年期間安裝,屬模擬制式攝影機。由於目的多數是要得知乘客流向,而非用作保安監察用途,因此拍攝角度有限,拍攝公眾範圍的影像,在自動刪除前最長會保留 28 日,若涉及索償或執法機關的事件,則會保留三年,惟不是全部鏡頭均有錄影功能







太子站損壞的設施需等候更換零件,以及緊接的星期日可能再有示威活動,車務總監安排該站連同旺角站一同關閉至 9 月第一個工作天為止,如同早前葵芳站因為受持續滋擾,而合共關閉 26 小時的安排一樣,能避免服務受進一步影響

而車站、車廂會於不安全的情況下,即時透過資訊螢幕、自動廣播發出疏散指示,乘客必需按指立即離開。 港鐵乃自助的鐵路網絡,隨科技發展,香港同樣有無人值守大堂、無人駕駛列車,因此於鐵路處所遇上罪案時,應致電 999 與聯絡緊急服務人員,他們會盡快到場協助乘客所需。而鐵路處所屬公眾地方,保安一直由香港警察負責



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At 2242 hours, a group of passengers obstructed train door when the Tiu Keng Leng bound GD07 service arrived at Platform 3. The noise of passengers holding objects confronting each other and fighting passed into driver’s cab thus the Train Captain notified Operation Control Centre although there isn’t CCTV coverage inside the train. Police’s assistance was then summoned by the Operations Control Centre to deal with this crime scene



Meanwhile, someone operated the passenger alarm on GD07 service. Traction system was then locked by the safety mechanism on board and the service can no longer unable to depart


The fight between passengers continued for 7 mins and more and plenty of smoke came from the carriage. The Operations Control arranged Service GD07 to terminal and passengers were leaving gradually. A platform screen doors panel was, however, smashed by somebody



At this time, the Central bound Tsuen Wan Line AD28 service arrived at the adjacent Platform 4. Confrontations spread onto this train and it was unable to depart after multiple passengers’ alarms were activated


Service AD28 was also operated by Modernised Train, there is no CCTV coverage inside carriages while the electrical connections of cameras on this platform were cut in the earlier vandalism. Staff members are therefore unable to see the situation near doorways



At 2253 hours, station staff triggered evacuation procedure to arrange passengers leave immediately when they can no longer guarantee passenger’s safety due to a large number of passengers gathered, smoke was coming out from a carriage and full of chaos happening. However, only a few passengers have obeyed this instruction


At 2256 hours, anti-riot police arrived at platforms. They looked at service GD07 and found carriages were emptied before. Then they turned to service AD28 and took action there. Station staff summon Fire Service’s assistance since passengers were injured


Service AD28 finally departed successfully at 2304 hours after multiple attempts made by the train captain to close all doors. This service picked up some passengers at Prince Edward Station and reached Yau Ma Tei Station via Mong Kok Station, which was closed at that time due to police’s dispersal action on roads nearby. Station staff summoned ambulance service when they realised four passengers on board were injured and stranded on this service

Unfortuntely there were different parties gathered at different stations’ exits with weapons. Urban Lines were gradually suspended by the Operations Control Centre for safety reasons and to prevent violent acts spreading across the railway


The 1st batch of Firemen arrived Prince Edward at 2306 hours. Paramedics then arrived Exit E – Playing Field Road but not the designated emergency services access Exit B1 – Mong Kok Police Station. They are therefore required to communicate with the Hong Kong Police, who responsible for the security of railway premises for their access routes


At 0054 hours, Police ordered injured people to leave by trains under the co-ordination with Fire Service Department. The Operations Control Centre then again switched on the power for running lines, dispatched trains that were taken out of service to Prince Edward Station to convey a group of seven police officers, paramedics and injured passengers for ambulance connections at Lai Chi Kok



Most CCTV cameras in railway premises are analogue camera which installed between 1998 – 2000.  Their purpose is to relay passengers flow to staff members but providing a surveillance aid. Because of this, their field of view is limited. Images recorded will be kept for 28 days maximum before erased automatically. Footage involved compensation claims and law enforcement units are however to be kept for three years, but no all cameras equipped with a recording function


Footages are strictly controlled by guidelines set by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data and could only be replayed by authorised personnel. The Office express their concern on the numbers of CCTV camera in the past and even the Hong Kong Police are required to submit their applications every time before replaying. There is no previous example to release complete footage to the public


There were numbers of passengers still staying in the station after the evacuation order, comparing with the situation happened in the car park and convenience store. The footage will simply become meaningless with all passengers’ fully blurred


It is also an offensive to The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance if passengers’ face is not blurred unless the MTR Corporation is able to seek for all passengers’ consent to release their appearance and it is obviously out of reality


The MTR Corporation consulted different Government departments for how to handle the footage and passed it to law enforcement units by The High Court’s order



The Operations Director arranged Prince Edward Station and Mong Kok Station to remain close in a row until the first working day in Sep due to different damaged facilities at Prince Edward Station were awaiting for replacement and there were possible protestings in the following Sunday. This similar arrangement was applied to Kwai Fong Station for 26 hours long due to continuous nuisance for preventing trains service being affected in the working days



The evacuation order will be sent via automated announcement and information displays when stations and trains encountered unsafe condition. Passengers are mandatory to leave immediately


MTR is a self-serving railway network. Unstaffed concourse and driverless trains are also introduced in Hong Kong as technology develops. Dial 999 if you encountered any criminal in railway premises, emergency services will attend the scene and provide assistance to passengers while railway premises are public places with its security had always been responsible by the Hong Kong Police  


Passengers are welcomed to make enquires by following methods If you are injured at 31/Aug (Sat) night in Prince Edward Station:

Mailing Address
MTR Corporation Limited, GPO Box 9916, Hong Kong

2795 9991