有關 7 月 21 日(星期日)於元朗站的暴力事件 Summary on the violent acts in Yuen Long Station on 21/Jul (Sun)

於 2245 時,西鐵綫元朗站職員發現車站大堂有人展示標語,在表達訴求期出現爭執,繼而有乘客遇襲,因此即時通知車務控制中心,於兩分鐘內召喚香港警察 到場

至 2257 時,元朗站共三名車站職員中,兩名正於月台處理事故,一名在車站控制室內與車務控制中心繼續聯絡

期間,車站消防警報系統曾被人啟動,亦有在場人士同時自行致電 999 求助;奈何警方良久未有到場,只有消防處救護員抵達



大量人士阻礙車門關上(Stand News)


而當時 月台 1 – 往屯門 已有一列如常接載乘客、並非特別安排的班車,但車門因人羣的衝突而失靈,車上多人不同按動緊急通話器,又有人扳動緊急門掣試圖妨礙車門關上,令車廂的牽引系統鎖死,未能成功 載客 開出,而要先停止服務方可讓尾隨的空車駛入

車務控制中心於 2319 時開始,重新安排所有列車於元朗站上落乘客,讓乘客繼續乘搭列車離開打鬥現場

及至 2350 時,緊急服務人員需要於車站內作蒐證,並治理傷者,因此元朗站再次需要關閉,控制中心亦有即時再安排列車接走受影響的乘客


港鐵乃自助的鐵路網絡,隨科技發展,香港同樣有無人值守大堂、無人駕駛列車,因此於鐵路處所遇上罪案時,應致電 999 與聯絡緊急服務人員,他們會盡快到場協助乘客所需。而鐵路處所屬公眾地方,保安一直由香港警察負責  


郵遞至 香港郵政總局信箱9916號 ?
傳真至 2795 9991 ?


為何列車未有開出 ?

車門因人羣的衝突而失靈,車上多人不同按動緊急通話器,又有人扳動緊急門掣試圖妨礙車門關上,令車廂的牽引系統鎖死,未能成功 載客 開出, 情況與 2019 年 6 至 8 月期間大量乘客濫用緊急設施,妨礙列車開行之「不合作運動」一樣

列車開出即使成功開出後,情況會否更好 ?


為何仍然安排列車停於元朗站 ?


為何車站職員沒有提供協助 ?


At 2245 hours, staff who were on duty at Yuen Long Station on the West Rail Line have noticed that when some members of the public were displaying banners in the station concourse, there were quarrels and assaults breaking out simultaneously and passengers were injured. Hong Kong Police was immediately requested within 2 mins to attend the scene by the Operations Control Centre


At 2257 hours, two of three station staff went to platforms to handle the incident while the remaining staff kept contacting the Operations Control Centre in the Station Control Room

During the course, the station fire alert had also been activated, with various reports made separately to the 999 hotline by other members of the public at the scene. Paramedics of the Fire Services Department arrived promptly to provide assistance to those who were injured; however, the police was nowhere to be seen for a prolonged period


Because the operating staff could no longer ensure the safety of passengers and also due to the fact that some station staff had been physically assaulted, the Operations Control Centre quickly arranged Yuen Long Station was to be closed straightaway while dispatching an empty train to pick up those passengers who were still at the station


Number of people blocked the train doors (Stand News)


At the time, there was a normal, timetabled service 08 standing at Platform 1 – to Tuen Mun. However, the doors being blocked then failed during the incident and the multiple Passenger Alarm Devices being operated constantly, some also triggered an emergency door egress to prevent doors closing. These behaviours had caused a traction system lock-up on this train, meaning this service had to be withdrawn before letting the empty train behind to pick up everyone stranded in Yuen Long Station


Although the Operations Control Centre had instructed all services to resume calling at Yuen Long Station from 2319 hours in order to enable passengers to leave the violent scene


The emergency services had to investigate the incident inside the station and to assist those who were injured. As a result, Yuen Long Station had to be closed again after 2350 hours, while the Operations Control Centre continued to arrange train services to pick up the affected passengers


Dr Jacob Kam, the Chief Executive Officer of the MTR Corporation, strongly condemns the violent acts that took place on the railway premises and the Corporation shall fully co-operate with the investigation by the law enforcement authorities. On behalf of the MTR Corporation, he has also offers his sincere wishes for the speedy recovery of the injured passengers


MTR is a self-serving railway network. Unstaffed concourse and driverless trains are also introduced in Hong Kong as technology develops. Dial 999 if you encountered any criminal in railway premises, emergency services will attend the scene and provide assistance to passengers while railway premises are public places with its security had always been responsible by the Hong Kong Police  

Passengers are welcomed to make enquires by following methods If you are injured at 21/Jul (Sun) night in West Rail Line Yuen Long Station:

Mailing Address ?
MTR Corporation Limited, GPO Box 9916, Hong Kong

Fax ?
2795 9991


Why was the service involved did not depart ?

The doors being blocked then failed during the incident and the multiple Passenger Alarm Devices being operated constantly, some also triggered an emergency door egress to prevent doors closing. These behaviours had caused a traction system lock-up on this train. It was the same situation when multiple passengers abused emergency equipment to stop the train in Jun – Aug/2019 for “uncooperative movements”

Would the situation improves if the train can depart successfully

No. Violence acts were continued in the carriage and doors were blocked because of this. If the train could depart successfully, violence would only happen inside closed carriages

Why were trains still stopping at Yuen Long Station ?

The Operations Control Centres need to dispatch empty trains to carry passengers stranded in the station

Station staff did not provide assistance ?

Railway premises are public places and its safety had always been responsible by the Hong Kong Police. Station staff was handling the incident on platforms and they are unguarded with no weapons equipped. They have no means to stop violence